34, Upper Riverdale Road, GA. 30274

Same day Appointment Available

A Multi-disciplinary approach to treating auto injuries

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Same day Appointment Available

Comprehensive Medical team to manage auto injuries.

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Bilingual Staff serving spanish speaking community.

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Same day Appointment Available

Car Accident Injuries

For almost two decades, Southern Crescent Injury & Rehabilitation Specialists have been dedicated to providing specialized care for individuals impacted by car accident injuries, establishing themselves as pioneers in the chiropractic realm.

Back Pain

Our team of chiropractors employs a comprehensive approach to address back and neck injuries, utilizing techniques such as Manual Chiropractic Adjustments, Computer-Guided Spinal Decompression, Active Release Therapy, Electro Muscle Stimulation, and the Fascial Distortion Model.

Head And Neck Pain

We provide an array of tailored treatment choices designed for neck and whiplash injuries.

Slip And Fall

Suffered a Slip and Fall Incident? Southern Crescent Injury & Rehabilitation is here to aid your recovery and can also connect you with a Personal Injury Attorney for pursuing financial compensation.

Sports Injuries

We provide chiropractic care using cutting-edge techniques to treat injuries in athletes of all ages and disciplines.

TBI and Concussion

Our experts utilize post-concussion test outcomes to create a personalized management program, overseeing and tracing your progress towards recovery.

Why Choose Southern Crescent Injury & Rehabilitation Specialists After An Auto Accident?

The primary motive for consulting a chiropractor following an accident is often the cessation of bodily discomfort. Collisions can lead to extensive harm to the head, neck, back, and spine. Chiropractic care not only addresses the underlying issue but also aids in reducing pain and inflammation concurrently.

Treating Back Pain with Chiropractic Care at SCIRS

At SCIRS, we have a team of experienced and licensed chiropractors who specialize in providing you with unique chiropractic care plans and therapy techniques for chronic back pain and injuries.

Our goal is to identify the problem and help you alleviate back pain with gentle, noninvasive chiropractic adjustment techniques. 

Treatment for Slip and Fall Injuries

Our chiropractic experts specializing in slip and fall injuries present a range of treatment alternatives, underscoring the significance of accurate diagnosis prior to commencing treatment. Our goal is to ensure you receive the most fitting treatment regimen tailored to your individual recovery requirements.

Steps To Take After a Car Accident

Step 1

If you require urgent medical assistance, promptly reach out to the police following the accident. Additionally, ensure you obtain a police report to support your accident claim.

Step 2

Reach out to your insurance provider and initiate the process of filing an accident claim.

Step 3

Dial SCIRS to commence chiropractic treatment without delay.

Step 4

Let SCIRS refer you to a network of exceptional personal injury law firms tailored to your needs.


Meet Our Professionals

Dr. Gregory Jackson


Dr. Ricardo Marquez


Erica Elder

Office Administrator

All Staff


Kimberley Saucedo

Director of Operations

Start Recovering From Your Injuries Today.

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